Body Mind Breathing course

Change your breathing, change your life.

This program is all about the science of breathing. It is structured in chapters, analyzing them ONE at a time, so simply that even a child could apply what we are saying.
It is suitable, if not necessary, for those who:

  • Need a way out of everyday stress.
  • Desire to manage, with one of the most effective ways, their anxiety.
  • Struggle with digestion issues and wish to enhance their gut health.
  • Have problems with their sleep
  • Crave sustainable energy without relying on stimulants, like coffee, tea or energy drinks, usually harmful.
  • Want to deepen their knowledge, around the art of breathing and the great possibilities it hides.

If you don’t fit into one of the categories above, then, I’m honestly happy for you and this program might not be for you.
However, if you belong to even one of them, I firmly believe that I can help you.
Personally, I belong to more than one of these categories and breathing is my main weapon, my strongest foundation to everything I do.
From meditation and coping with daily stress, to sports and martial arts.
I created this program because I know the world needs it NOW more than ever.

One of the effects of contemporary culture is stress. Anxiety and panic attacks are higher now than at any other time in human history.
Remarkably, psychologist Robert Leahy asserts that the anxiety levels of a contemporary American high school student rival those of psychiatric patients from the 1950s.

The program I created is based 100% on scientific data and explains exactly HOW and WHY everything I show you works. I explain them in such a simple way that even a child could not only apply them, but also teach them.
Upon completion of the program you will have all the necessary knowledge to be able to apply the techniques for whatever purpose you have. Either you want to go to the gym or you want to enjoy a nice deep sleep. You will also have all the essential knowledge to demonstrate it to your loved ones or teach, e.g. in yoga class.
I believe in and advocate these techniques and knowledge so much because they have helped, if not changed, the lives of thousands of people, including mine.